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Home Setup

Table of contents

  1. Homelab
  2. Git Repositories
  3. New machine setup


The homelab server should be used to store personal stuff. There are a few services setup on it:

  • samba - There is a share that is setup for anonymous access for internal use at home. One can store pictures here, documents, or anything really that they want to be able to access from any computer at home.

Git Repositories

All repositories are stored in the gilgalab server. Use the script to interact with them. It is possible to create a new repository, list the existing ones and clone them.

A copy of the script can be found in the homelab server under the ~/bin directory.

New machine setup

Add a new entry to your machine’s ~/.ssh/config:

Host homelab
    User gilgamesh
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    ForwardX11 yes

Copy the ~/bin/ scripts into your new machine:

scp homelab:~/bin/ $HOME/

Now copy the SSH config files and keys:

scp homelab:~/.ssh/* $HOME/.ssh/

You can now clone the dotfiles.git repository:

mkdir git
cd git
~/bin/ clone-repo dotfiles.git

Run the script to finish configuring the machine.

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